Felix Go married with Maria Goreti Salassa in October 1952 in Soe, Timor Tengah Selatan, NTT, then moved to Kefamenanu in November 1958. They were blessed with fifteen sons and daughters. During their life, Mr. Felix Go was a businessman managing a glowceries store in local market in Kefamenanu, while Mrs. Go was a great housewife. They accepted Catholic and were baptized at 6 June 1976. Since then, they had been teaching their children in catholic life and dignity. Felix Go was passed away at 30 September 2001 and Mrs. Maria Goreti Salassa was passed away 27 days later, at 27 October 2001.

Came from a family business, most of us preferred to do business instead of work as a professional in other companies. From the all fifteen brothers and sisters, six of us live and do own business in Kefamenanu. The six consists of Robertus Go (#2), Welfridus Go (#3), Antonius Go (#5), Yustinus Go (#6), Yonetha Go (#10) and Vincentius Go (#13). Three family members who live in Kupang, Nora Go (#1), Gaudensiana Go (#8), and Dominikus Go (#9), also do business. Getrida Mathilda Go (#4) followed her husband lives in Larantuka, Flores Timur, and does business as well. Marcel Go (#7) works in a multinational companies and lives in Singapore. Fransiscus Go (#11) prefers to be a business owner. He established and manages his own company, GMT Property Management, based in Jakarta.Johannes Go (#12) works in development sector and has worked in some foreign countries like Bangladesh, Iraq and Libya. Henry Salassa Go (#14) and Even Go (#15) live in Jakarta and work as professionals in companies that based in Jakarta.