Welcome to the Felix Maria Go Foundation (YFMG)

A Beacon of Hope in Our Wolrd

YFMG focuses on aiding the needy, the impoverished, maternal and child health, education, and more, through various approaches such as direct donations, scholarships, small-medium enterprises, health programs, and the empowerment of local culture and traditions.


Yayasan Felix Maria Go

Yayasan Felix Maria Go – YFMG (Felix Maria Go Foundation) is a foundation dedicated to improve life of the needy specifically in Timor Island. Established in 2011 by the sons and daughters of late Mr. Felix Go and Mrs. Maria Goreti Salassa Go, 10 (ten) years after Mr. and Mrs. Go passed away, aimed to continue their spirit, dedication, and compassion. YFMG was established and based in Kefamenanu, Timor Tengah Utara District, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province, Indonesia.

With compassion, YFMG focuses on the needy, the poor, mother and children health and education, etc., through various approaches such as direct donation, microfinance, scholarship, small-medium enterprise, health program, etc., included empowerment of local culture and traditions.

Direct Donation

Your contributions directly impact the lives of those in need. Every donation, no matter the size, plays a vital role in creating a brighter future.

Microfinance Initiatives

We believe in empowering communities by providing them with the tools and resources they need to create sustainable livelihoods. Our microfinance programs support small businesses, fostering economic independence.

Scholarship Programs

Education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. YFMG is dedicated to providing scholarships that open doors to brighter opportunities for deserving students.

Support for Small-Medium Enterprises

We recognize the importance of entrepreneurship in community development. Our support for small-medium enterprises aims to create a thriving local economy.

Health Programs

Ensuring the well-being of mothers and children is at the core of our mission. Through targeted health programs, we strive to improve healthcare access and outcomes.

Empowerment of Local Culture and Traditions

We believe that true empowerment comes from honoring and preserving the heritage of the communities we serve.

Donate Now

Your support is an integral part of our journey. Together, let’s build a legacy of compassion and transformation. Your generosity fuels the engine of change, bringing hope to those who need it most.

Director Speech

I would like to thank God and praise Him for all His graces which is uniting us in His Spirit.The same and one spirit who makes us joy and leads us for sharing each other what we have. Our Lord and God shares his spirit of life .to each of us and the same life must be a talent for us which is to be multiplied in the same way God did for us by fraternally sharing our owned one to another. The first community in the Bible is presenting to us how they live their life, the common life of sharing and prayers in sake of wellness and prosperity. “Now all the belivers lived together and shared all their belongings. They would sell their property and all they had and distribute the proceeds to others according to their need”. Acts, 2:44-46.


A Glimpse into Transformative Moments

Step into the heart of our mission through the lens of our gallery. Here, we present a visual narrative of the impactful work carried out by Yayasan Felix Maria Go (YFMG) in Timor Island. Each image tells a story of compassion, resilience, and positive change. Explore the moments that define our journey:


Yayasan Felix Maria Go – YFMG (Felix Maria Go Foundation) is a foundation dedicated to improve life of the needy specifically in Timor Island. Established in 2011 by the sons and daughters of late Mr. Felix Go and Mrs. Maria Goreti Salassa Go.

Contact US

Jl. Soekarno No. 40, Kefamenanu, Timor Tengah Utara District, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province Indonesia.

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