POS-KUPANG.COM, SOE – GMT Institute JKT bersama Yayasan Felix Maria Go ( YFMG ) menggelar pelatihan jurnalistik bagi generasi milenial di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan. pelatihan jurnalistik ini guna membantu generasi milenial dalam menghadapi tantangan teknologi masa kini. Adapun kegiatan ini berlangsung di Aula Hotel Jati Asih kota Soe, Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan, Rabu, 29 November 2023. Pelatihan ini diikuti
Senang Dapat Bantuan, Terima Kasih Yayasan Felix Maria Go
Kupang, RNC – Namanya dapat hadiah, ya senanglah. Begitu ungkapan anak – anak di Panti Asuhan Yatim Piatu Sonaf Maneka, setelah menerima bantuan dari Yayasan Felix Maria Go (YFMG). Jumlah mereka ratusan. Ada 127 anak yang diasuh Maria Manu Bulu. Mereka juga mengaku terhibur. Pasalnya, pemberian bantuan dari YFMG kali ini dirasa lain. Menyaksikan dua tarian sekaligus, Tarian Kieng Diego
Training and Development of Small Business Gemstone Craftsmen in Kupang district
Cooperate with the Government of Kupang regency and GMT Institute, providing support for the gemstone craftsmen in Kupang regency, East Nusa Tenggara. This program includes three craftsmen sent from Sukabumi, West Java, to Kupang regency, for 3 months, to teach local craftsmen in making crafts gemstone and its business, provide the required equipment, workplaces and places of business.
Construction of Retirement Home for Retired Diocesan Priests in Belu District
The construction began in July 2010 and cost about one billion rupiah (US$ 112,500), which was fully donated by the family of Felix and Maria Goreti Salassa Go. The house has eight bedrooms, a guest room, a living room, a prayer room and a dining room. Bishop Dominikus Saku of Atambua bellsed the new house when it was handed over
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