Direct Donation and Gift Giving: YFMG Brings Joy to Orphans at Sonaf Maneka Orphanage

Blessed with gifts and entertained by vibrant cultural performances, the orphans at Sonaf Maneka Orphanage expressed their joy and gratitude for the assistance provided by the Felix Maria Go Foundation (YFMG). Under the care of Maria Manu Bulu, a total of 127 children experienced a unique sense of happiness during the event. Witnessing two traditional dances, the Kieng Diego (Tenun Sarung) dance from Alor and the Kebalai dance from Rote Ndao, the children felt not only delighted but also deeply entertained. Their joyous expressions and shouts of appreciation reflected the seamless unity portrayed by the two dances, symbolizing a harmonious celebration of gratitude. The YFMG’s contribution was warmly acknowledged by the children, who expressed their thanks and blessings to Mr. Fransiscus Go, wishing him continued success and divine blessings.

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Yayasan Felix Maria Go – YFMG (Felix Maria Go Foundation) is a foundation dedicated to improve life of the needy specifically in Timor Island. Established in 2011 by the sons and daughters of late Mr. Felix Go and Mrs. Maria Goreti Salassa Go.

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