About Us

Yayasan Felix Maria Go

Yayasan Felix Maria Go – YFMG (Felix & Maria Go Foundation) is a foundation dedicated to improve life of the needy in Indonesia especially in Timor Island. Established in 2011 by the sons and daughters of late Mr. Felix Go and Mrs. Maria Goreti Salassa Go, 10 (ten) years after Mr. and Mrs. Go passed away, aimed to continue their spirit, dedication, and compassion. YFMG was established and based in Kefamenanu, Timor Tengah Utara District, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province, Indonesia. 

Late Mr. and Mrs. Go during their life, not only taught about compassion but about dedication, loyal and integrity as well. Their teaching to their sons and daughters will be the principles of this foundation. YFMG’s role is to raise fund for targeted development programs on Timor Island and provide easy access for any donors both government and privates, both institutions and individuals, to respond to, as well as a trustworthy and transparent system to work with.

YMFG is managed by professional staff with relevant experiences and expertise to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency in program implementation with closely monitoring by the member of founders. YFMG’s founders, 15 (fifteen) of the late Mr. and Mrs. Go’s sons and daughters spread around the globe with various backgrounds. Some of them are business owners and the others are professionals.

Vision and Mission


We see the people in Indonesia especially in Timor Island living in harmony, good health, well educated, good spiritual life and prosperity


We work with compassion and integrity to improve the lives of people in Indonesia especially in Timor Island

Behind YFMG

Felix Go married with Maria Goreti Salassa in October 1952 in Soe, Timor Tengah Selatan, NTT, then moved to Kefamenanu in November 1958. They were blessed with fifteen sons and daughters. During their life, Mr. Felix Go was a businessman managing a glowceries store in local market in Kefamenanu, while Mrs. Go was a great housewife. They accepted Catholic and were baptized at 6 June 1976. Since then, they had been teaching their children in catholic life and dignity. Felix Go was passed away at 30 September 2001 and Mrs. Maria Goreti Salassa was passed away 27 days later, at 27 October 2001.


Came from a family business, most of us preferred to do business instead of work as a professional in other companies. From the all fifteen brothers and sisters, six of us live and do own business in Kefamenanu. The six consists of Robertus Go (#2), Welfridus Go (#3), Antonius Go (#5), Yustinus Go (#6), Yonetha Go (#10) and Vincentius Go (#13). Three family members who live in Kupang, Nora Go (#1), Gaudensiana Go (#8), and Dominikus Go (#9), also do business. Getrida Mathilda Go (#4) followed her husband lives in Larantuka, Flores Timur, and does business as well. Marcel Go (#7) works in a multinational companies and lives in Singapore. Fransiscus Go (#11) prefers to be a business owner. He established and manages his own company, GMT Property Management, based in Jakarta.Johannes Go (#12) works in development sector and has worked in some foreign countries like Bangladesh, Iraq and Libya. Henry Salassa Go (#14) and Even Go (#15) live in Jakarta and work as professionals in companies that based in Jakarta.


The Story Behind Our Logo

One day, it was in the month of the Rosary, in mid 1970s at the Bitauni Cave, Kiupukan, Belu District, Timor. There was a mother walked and prayed fervently among the pilgrims who came to the cave that day. She carried a small white candle, a rosary, and a rose. Together with the all pilgrims, she sang and prayed while she was climbing the stone stairs to reach the cave on the top of the rock.

After reached the cave and pushed her way through the crowded, she put the rose flower at the foot of the statue of the Virgin Mary, then threw herself on her knees in front of the statue and prayed fervently with tears of happiness and gratitude. She is Maria Goreti Salassa Go, Felix Go’s wife.

She came to the cave several months before with one and only major request and she promised to come back again with a rose to the Virgin Mary. The miracle was happened to her life and brought back her to the Bitauni Cave at that day with a rose. Her intention hasbeen fulfilled and blessed. Since that time, her devotions to Jesus and Mary got stronger. We used a rose for this foundation’s logo to memorize our mother Maria Go’s devotion’s to Jesus and Mary. Rose is a symbol of unconditional love and compassion.


Akta Pendirian Yayasan

"FELIX MARIA GO” Nomor 150, Tanggal 22 Maret 2012, Oleh Notaris / PPAT Ny. IRA SUDJONO, SH., M.Hum., M.Kn., M.M., M.Si.

Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP)

31.500.470.5-071.000 A/n : YAYASAN FELIX MARIA GO


No : 189/1.824.11/2012

Surat Keterangan Terdaftar

Surat Keterangan Terdaftar Pemerintah Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara No. BKBP.220/413/IV/IV/TTU/2012

Yayasan Felix Maria Go – YFMG (Felix Maria Go Foundation) is a foundation dedicated to improve life of the needy specifically in Timor Island. Established in 2011 by the sons and daughters of late Mr. Felix Go and Mrs. Maria Goreti Salassa Go.

Contact US

Jl. Soekarno No. 40, Kefamenanu, Timor Tengah Utara District, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province Indonesia.

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